“AL-ITTIHAD AL-IKTISSADI” established in 1996, Supported by a specialized team of journalists who are kept updated by the latest statistical research on the Arab countries and are wherein committed to offer its readers a large spectrum of subjects of high interest to various businessmen. Even, decision makers in the Arab world are specified for e.g.:

Arab & international economic analyses supported by interviews with businessmen, finance and banking sectors, Insurance – Exhibitions & conferences news and features. – Arab industry. – Computer and communication. – Companies’ profiles and current affairs. – Travel, Airlines and tourism news and features.

Besides the regular features, the magazine publishes a monthly special report featuring in each issue different topics such as: Banking, Business & tourism, insurance, communication etc… In total an average of 76 editorial pages carrying intensive information on economy and business performances in the Arab world.
The annual issue is published in the month of December with 200 pages in average.

Many Arab decision makers as one of the leading independent and professional business information Magazine consider “AL-ITTIHAD AL-IKTISSADI”.